About us

Leader in the industrialrefrigeration sector

Tecnofreddo is a company leader in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector for more than 30 years. The professionalism of its resources and the effciency of its products have lead the company to gain the trust of many customers and meet all their needs.

Thanks also to the wide choice of its products, including the ECO3 series: eco-friendly units using natural refrigerants instead of traditional ones that not only improve systems performances but are sustainable and respect the environment.
Each realized machine is at the forefront in terms of advanced technologies and technical expertises,  as well as flexibility and compliance with certified quality standards.

An environmental choice

It is not possible to think about the future without thinking about the surrounding world.
A concept that has distinguished Tecnofreddo for several years and has led Tecnofreddo to realize the ECO3 series, a sign of recognition for those products using propane R290, ammonia R717 and carbon dioxide R744 instead of traditional refrigerants. The investement on these technologies is oriented towards increasingly efficient solutions able to guarantee a substantial energy and economic savings, while respecting criteria of innovation and quality.